Emerging from Pandemic Life

Finally! It feels like so-called normal life is returning to us. With the emergence from lock-down and signs of moving on with coronavirus, it seems as though there is light at the end of the pandemic tunnel.

I feel fortunate to share that my office is back open, and it’s been wonderful to see people in person. Virtual sessions will continue to be an option for clients as they are just too convenient for so many!

As we look to the future, can you consider how you want to emerge from pandemic life? Perhaps this is time to think how you should choose what to rebuild, what can be left behind, and whether there are new avenues to pursue?

To help navigate the next steps from pandemic life consider these:

1.      Set reasonable expectations.

There is a lot of anxiety around the continued uncertainty around coronavirus risks. Not only are rules and regulations changing, but after creating an established routine or habit, such as mask wearing, it can be difficult to change course. Anxiety lives in the unknowns and what-ifs of life, so know that it’s a normal response to the change and uncertainty that is taking place at this time.

Due to the extensive time spent away from people, it is also likely to feel a little awkward during social interactions. Returning to the office and resuming water-cooler chats with colleagues or large gatherings may trigger some annoyances and frustration. Allow for the transition and set realistic expectations that everyone is adjusting, and it takes time and patience to feel comfortable in new patterns or changed relationships.

2.      Plan your life according to your values

Creating a life that allows you to spend time and energy on the areas of life that you value can promote well-being. If your day-to-day life involves zero time doing the things that you enjoy, then there could be a misalignment and a lack of fulfilment. This could be a great time to assess what is meaningful to you and consider whether there is a way to make shifts that allow top priorities to actually be prioritized. Living your values can dramatically impact mood by reducing depression and persistent anxiety.

3.      Pay it Forward

After a tough year with losses and loneliness, consider stepping out of your comfort zone to help others. Research shows that doing things to benefit others improve your emotional health. By setting an intention to contribute to individuals or communities, you can boost everyone’s well-being. It’s possible, that by giving a little time, skills, support, or resources, your new “normal” may be better than pre-pandemic life.